Overflow Foundation (Overflow) was founded in 2020 by Michael Carter. Michael experienced adversity as a young man and experienced challenges with using substances in which he overcame in his early 20’s. Since then, Michael has been helping others with the same struggles to improve their lives. Michael has worked in the drug and alcohol sector for 20 years and gained valuable insight into effective practices that help people overcome their struggles with using substances.
2022 Westfield Local Heroes Winner
Your 2022 Westfield Mt Gravatt Local Hero is:
Michael Carter
Overflow Foundation
Giving, Nurturing, Inclusive
Nurturing Michael Carter spends nights out walking the street, days coaching basketball and many hours helping local people beat addiction and stay on track.
Michael has worked in the community for more than 10 years, mentoring many people of all ages to turn their life around in that time. In 2019, he took his work to a new level and founded his charity, The Overflow Foundation, which has a core focus on youth substance misuse and mental health.
He and his team pride themselves on building strong relationships with the people they help.
Michael’s off-court actions as a Logan Basketball coach illustrate his caring nature. Players appreciate his encouraging personal texts after they have had a bad game, and parents value his check-in calls.
Michael has turned his own life around from substance misuse. He is non-judgmental and willing to do what it takes to help young people and their families.
The foundation’s approach is to support the whole family to help change their narrative and equip them with the tools they need to change.
“It’s a beautiful experience watching someone improve every area of their life and become the complete opposite of what they used to be,” Michael says.
The Overflow Foundation will use its funds to buy furniture, music studio equipment and recreational equipment for its new youth facility.
Is to help young people:
Be victorious in every area of life
Live a purpose driven life
Go beyond what you could dream, ask or imagine
Succeed – be victorious in every area of life (Jeremiah 29:11)
Achieve – live a purpose driven life (discover who God created you to be)